Brewers and distillers of the British Isles

The Oxford DNB includes biographies of almost 120 historical brewers, distillers, and cider makers. Many enjoyed strong ties with a particular place—associations maintained today by the drinks that carry their name.

Use our map to read the story behind some favourite tipples, or browse the list below.


Bass Greenall  Showering
Bell  Greene  Simonds
Boddington  Guinness  Smith
Booth  Hennessy   Teacher
Brain  Jameson  Tennent
Bulmer  Mackie  Tetley
Combe  McEwan  Truman
 Cooke  Meux  Walker
 Deuchar  Pimm  Whitbread
 Dewar  Romyng  Williamson
 Grant  Sandeman  Younger