Thirlby, Styan (bap. 1691, d. 1753), textual critic and theologian, was baptized on 7 January 1691 at St Margaret's, Leicester, the son of Thomas Thirlby (d. 1701), vicar of St Margaret's, Leicester, and his wife, Mary (1663–1723), eldest daughter of Henry Styan...
Thirlby, Styan (bap. 1691, d. 1753), textual critic and theologian
Peter Seary
Todd, Henry John (bap. 1763, d. 1845), Church of England clergyman and literary scholar
D. A. Brunton
Todd, Henry John (bap. 1763, d. 1845), Church of England clergyman and literary scholar, baptized at Britford near Salisbury on 13 February 1763, was the son of Henry Todd (b. 1733/4), curate of that parish from 1758 to 1765, and his wife, ...
Tyler, Thomas (1822–1902), theological and literary scholar
W. B. Owen
revised by Donald Hawes
Tyler, Thomas (1822–1902), theological and literary scholar, was born in St Pancras, London on 26 November 1822, and was baptized at St Pancras on 19 January 1823, the son of Thomas Tyler (1772-1858), stationer, and his wife Mary (1787/8-1866). He was employed in his father's business, but he matriculated at ...