Chamier, Anthony (1725–1780), financier and government official, was born on 6 October 1725 and baptized on 19 October 1725 at the French Huguenot chapel in Threadneedle Street, London, the fifth of the nine children of Daniel Chamier (1696–1741), merchant, and Susanne de la Mejanelle (1701/2–1787)...
Chamier, Anthony (1725–1780), financier and government official
W. P. Courtney
revised by S. J. Skedd
Fox, Sir Stephen (1627–1716), financier and government official
Michael J. Braddick
Fox, Sir Stephen (1627–1716), financier and government official, was born in Farley, Wiltshire, the seventh of ten children of William Fox (d. 1652) and his wife, Margaret Pavey. His parents were of modest wealth and seem to have lived on the lower margins of gentility. ...