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See Gaster, Moses


Hinden [née Gesundheit], Rita (1909–1971), journalist and campaigner on colonial issues  

Patricia M. Pugh

Hinden [née Gesundheit], Rita (1909–1971), journalist and campaigner on colonial issues, was born on 16 December 1909 in Cape Town, Cape Colony, and given the name Rebecca, which she never used. She was the second of the four children of Jacob or Jacov Gesundheit (1880–1955)...


Lieberman, Aaron Samuel (1849?–1880), socialist activist  

Sharman Kadish

Lieberman, Aaron Samuel (1849?–1880), socialist activist, was probably born in 1849 in Lunna in Grodno province, then part of the Russian empire, son of Eliezer Dov Lieberman, a scholar of the Jewish enlightenment (haskalah). The family moved to Białystok and thence to ...