Philidor, François-André Danican (1726–1795), musician and chess player, was born at Dreux, France, on 7 September 1726, the youngest child from his second marriage, to Elisabeth Leroy, of André Danican Philidor ‘l'aîné’ (c.1647–1730), composer, instrumentalist, and librarian, the presiding genius of the ...
Philidor, François-André Danican (1726–1795), musician and chess player
Julian Rushton
Philidor, François-André Danican (1726–1795)
Maker: Augustin de Saint-Aubin
François-André Danican Philidor (1726–1795) by Augustin de Saint-Aubin, pubd 1772 (after Charles-Nicolas Cochin) © National Portrait Gallery, London