Annie Altschul (1919–2001), by unknown photographer
Royal College of Nursing
Annie Altschul (1919–2001), by unknown photographer
Royal College of Nursing
Altschul, Annie Therese (1919–2001), psychiatric nurse and teacher, was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Vienna on 18 February 1919, the daughter of Ludwig Altschul and his wife Marie. Despite the early death of her father, she enjoyed an idyllic childhood, which was enriched by her close family and the access she had to a diverse range of cultural activities. Her mother encouraged interest in the arts, sciences, and humanities, but ultimately it was mathematics that she chose for her undergraduate studies at the ...
Asher, Asher (1837–1889), physician and community worker, was born on 16 February 1837 in Glasgow, the first son of Philip Asher, son of Rabbi Zev Wolf of Lublin, and his wife, Hannah, a native of the Netherlands. From an early age he was an assiduous scholar of Jewish and secular subjects, winning prizes at ...
Balint, Michael Maurice [formerly Mihaly Bergsmann] (1896–1970), psychoanalyst, was born on 3 December 1896 in Baross Street, Jozsefvaros, a residential section of Budapest, Hungary. He was the first of the two children of Ignac Bergsmann, a general medical practitioner. Both his parents were descendants of German Jewish families who had been fully assimilated Hungarians for only two or three generations. He later changed his name to ...
Ballin, Ada Sarah (1862–1906), magazine editor and proprietor, and writer on health, was born on 4 May 1862 at 47 Woburn Place, Bloomsbury, London, first of the three children of Isaac Ballin (c.1811–1897), merchant and furrier, and his wife, Annie, née...
Baum, John David (1940–1999), paediatrician, was born at 28 Loveday Street, Birmingham, on 23 July 1940 to Isidor Baum (d. 1980), a gown manufacturer's traveller, and his wife, Mary, née Rosenberg (d. 1974), both immigrants from eastern Europe. He had three elder brothers and one younger sister, all of whom developed medical or scientific careers. ...
Blaschko, Hugh [formerly Karl Felix Hermann] (1900–1993), biochemist and pharmacologist, was born on 4 January 1900 in Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, the only son and second of the three children of Alfred Blaschko (1858–1922), dermatologist and venereologist, and his wife, Johanna (1873–1943), daughter of ...
Bobath [née Busse], Berta Ottilie (1907–1991), physiotherapist, was born in Berlin on 5 December 1907, the daughter of Hermann Busse, a Jewish manufacturer of dresses. She trained as a remedial gymnast in Germany, and married Kurt Roehl, from whom she later obtained a divorce; the couple had one son, ...
Borchardt, Louis (1816/17–1883), paediatrician, was born at Landesberg an der Warthe, in Brandenburg, East Prussia, of Jewish parents. He was educated at schools in his native town and at Berlin University. After graduating MD in 1838 he practised in Zörbich and subsequently in ...
Brent, Leslie Baruch (1925–2019), transplantation immunologist, was born Lothar Baruch on 5 July 1925 in Köslin, Germany (now Koszalin, in Poland), the son of Arthur Baruch (1883–1942), a travelling salesman who had won the Iron Cross in the First World War, and his wife ...
Brodum, William (fl. 1767–1824), quack, claimed to have been born in Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany, the son of Abraham and Caroline Brodum. This was thrown into doubt in 1805 by an article in the Medical and Physical Journal which stated that his real name was, in fact, ...
Bülbring, Edith (1903–1990), pharmacologist and physiologist, was born on 27 December 1903 in Bonn, Germany, the youngest of four children and third daughter of Karl Daniel Bülbring, professor of English at Bonn University, and his wife, Hortense Leonore Kann, a Dutch woman, daughter of a Jewish banker's family in ...
Cohen, Henry, Baron Cohen of Birkenhead (1900–1977), physician, was born in Birkenhead on 21 February 1900, the youngest of the five children (four boys and one girl) of Isaac Cohen (d. 1939), a draper and a considerable Jewish scholar, of Liverpool, and his wife, ...
Davies, David Lewis (1911–1982), psychiatrist, was born on 16 April 1911 at 11 Sycamore Street, Cheetham, Manchester, the son of Harry Davies (d. 1956), a tailor's machinist, and his wife, Annie Ribatzkie (d. 1968). Davies attended Manchester grammar school and from there he won a scholarship to ...
Doniach [née Abileah], Deborah (1912–2004), immunologist, was born on 6 April 1912 in Geneva, Switzerland, the eldest of the three daughters of Arieh Abileah (1885–1985), a Ukranian-born concert pianist and accompanist of the violinist Josef Szigeti, and his wife, Fée Héltès (1886–1983)...