Caesar, Julius (1656
Caesar, Julius (1656?–1712?), apothecary and composer
W. B. Squire
revised by Patrick Wallis
Foulis, David (1710–1773), composer and physician
Helen Goodwill
Foulis, David (1710–1773), composer and physician, was born on 8 October 1710 at Woodhall, Currie, Edinburghshire, the second of two sons and four daughters born to William Foulis (1674–1737) of Woodhall, an advocate, and his second wife, Helen Hepburn. David Foulis studied medicine at ...
Harington, Henry (1727–1816), composer and physician
Gordon Goodwin
revised by K. D. Reynolds
Harington, Henry (1727–1816), composer and physician, was born at Kelston, Somerset, on 29 September 1727, the second son of Henry Harington (1686–1769) and his wife, Mary Backwell (bur. 1731). He was descended from Henry VIII's treasurer of the army, ...