Alexander, Alexander [Alick] (1849–1928), promoter of physical education, was born in Liverpool on 14 May 1849, the second son of W. C. Alexander, a chief carpenter in the Royal Navy who had settled in Liverpool at the end of his period of service. Following an education at ...
Alexander, Alexander [Alick] (1849–1928), promoter of physical education
Richard William Cox
Wilkie [formerly Wilke], Dorette (1867–1930), promoter of women's physical education
Gill Clarke and Ida M. Webb
Wilkie [formerly Wilke], Dorette (1867–1930), promoter of women's physical education, was born at Stendal, Magdeburg, Prussia, on 14 June 1867, the daughter of Friedrich Wilke, a cork merchant who was a Polish refugee in Germany, and his wife, Dorothea. She came to ...