Wolstenholme, Kenneth (1920–2002), football commentator, was born at Cavendish House, Cavendish Road, Worsley, near Manchester, on 17 July 1920, the son of Thomas Wolstenholme, a cotton merchant, and his wife, Euphemia, née Redgrave. He had two brothers and two sisters and was brought up a Methodist. The family was prosperous enough in the 1920s both to own a car and to send three of the children to private schools. But the impact of the depression on the cotton trade meant that ...
Wolstenholme, Kenneth (1920–2002), football commentator
Tony Mason
Wolstenholme, Kenneth (1920–2002)
Maker: by unknown photographer
Kenneth Wolstenholme (1920–2002) by unknown photographer, 1970 Getty Images