Cavendish, Michael (c. 1565–1628), composer and courtier, was the youngest of three children of William Cavendish, landowner, and his wife, Ann Cox, and a grandson of George Cavendish (b. 1494, d. in or before 1562?), the biographer of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. The family, which can be traced back to the thirteenth century, lived at the manor of ...
Cavendish, Michael (c. 1565–1628), composer and courtier
Christopher Hogwood
Riccio, David (c. 1533–1566), musician and courtier
Rosalind K. Marshall
Riccio, David (c. 1533–1566), musician and courtier, was born at Pancalieri, near Turin, in the duchy of Savoy, the son of an impoverished musician. Possessed of an excellent singing voice and presumably trained by his father, he seems to have been employed by the archbishop of ...