Grabe, John Ernest (1666–1711), patristic and biblical scholar, was born at Königsberg, east Prussia, on 30 June/10 July 1666, the son of Martin Sylvester Grabe (1627–1686), professor of theology and history at the University of Königsberg, and Sophia Behmen (d. after 1686)...
Grabe, John Ernest (1666–1711), patristic and biblical scholar
G. H. Thomann
Ravis [formerly Raue], Christian [Christianus Ravius] (1613–1677), oriental and biblical scholar
G. J. Toomer
Ravis [formerly Raue], Christian [Christianus Ravius] (1613–1677), oriental and biblical scholar, was born on 25 January 1613 at Berlin, Brandenburg, the son of Johann Raue, deacon at the Nikolaus-Kirche, and his wife, Margarete Guericke. After attending the Berlin Gymnasium, in 1630 he entered ...