Burn, Andrew (1742–1814), marine officer and religious writer, was born in Dundee on 8 September 1742, the son of George John Burn and Christian Donie. When business failure induced his father to become a naval purser the sixteen-year-old Andrew accompanied him as an assistant clerk on active service in the ...
Burn, Andrew (1742–1814), marine officer and religious writer
Richard C. Blake
Lurting, Thomas (1628x32–1713), sailor and religious writer
Gil Skidmore
Lurting, Thomas (1628x32–1713), sailor and religious writer, was pressed into the navy in 1646 at the age of about fourteen according to his later account. After fighting in Ireland for two years he served in the Dutch and Spanish wars. In time he rose in his profession until he became boatswain's mate in the frigate ...