Chow [otherwise Chow Ting-hsing; Chow Man-wei], Raymond (1927–2018), film producer and financier, was born on 8 October 1927 in Hong Kong, the son of a governor of the Bank of China. He attended the Catholic St Stephen’s College Preparatory School for Boys...
Chow [otherwise Chow Ting-hsing; Chow Man-wei], Raymond (1927–2018), film producer and financier
Andrew H. Spicer
Henslowe, Philip (c. 1555–1616), theatre financier
S. P. Cerasano
Henslowe, Philip (c. 1555–1616), theatre financier, was the son of Edmond Henslowe of Lindfield, Sussex, who served as master of the game in Ashdown Forest and Broil Park, and Margaret Ridge who seems to have come from a local family. The family name was originally ...
Maxwell, John (1877–1940), film financier and cinema owner
Robert Murphy
Maxwell, John (1877–1940), film financier and cinema owner, was born in Scotland. He trained as a solicitor and practised in Glasgow. In 1912 he acquired an interest in a Glasgow cinema and over the next ten years built up a circuit of twenty cinemas and set up ...
Yule, Annie Henrietta, Lady Yule (1874/5–1950), film industry financier
Richard Davenport-Hines
Yule, Annie Henrietta, Lady Yule (1874/5–1950), film industry financier, was the only daughter in a family of two children of Andrew Yule (1834–1902) [see under Yule family], merchant of Calcutta, and his wife, Emma Porter. In 1900 she married her first cousin ...