Arthur (supp. fl. in or before 6th cent.), legendary warrior and supposed king of Britain, has an attested career that is entirely posthumous. From obscure beginnings in British legend, he became internationally known in the twelfth century, particularly through the success of Geoffrey of Monmouth's...
Arthur (supp. fl. in or before 6th cent.), legendary warrior and supposed king of Britain
O. J. Padel
Atkins, Thomas [Tommy] (d. 1794), soldier and epitomist of the British infantryman
Philip Carter
Atkins, Thomas [Tommy] (d. 1794), soldier and epitomist of the British infantryman, remains an obscure figure but is thought, according to the most reliable accounts, to have been a private serving in the 33rd regiment of foot during the Netherlands campaign of the French Revolutionary Wars. On 15 September 1794 ...
Unknown Warrior, the [the Unknown Soldier] (d. 1914?), an unidentified British soldier of the First World War
Roger T. Stearn
Unknown Warrior, the [the Unknown Soldier] (d. 1914