Dunsterville, Lionel Charles (1865–1946), army officer and literary prototype, was born on 9 November 1865 in Lausanne, Switzerland, the son of Lieutenant-General Lionel D'Arcy Dunsterville (1830–1912) of the Indian army and his wife, Susan Ellen (1835–1875). The family moved to Jersey and then to the ...
Dunsterville, Lionel Charles (1865–1946), army officer and literary prototype
Samuel Pyeatt Menefee
Dunsterville, Lionel Charles (1865–1946)
Maker: George Charles Beresford
Lionel Charles Dunsterville (1865–1946) by George Charles Beresford, 1923 © National Portrait Gallery, London
Wallinger, Sir John Arnold (1869–1931), intelligence officer and literary prototype
Nigel West
Wallinger, Sir John Arnold (1869–1931), intelligence officer and literary prototype, was born on 25 October 1869 at Poona, India, the son of William H. Arnold Wallinger, deputy conservator of forests in the Indian forest service, and his wife, Anne Jane. He had two brothers and two sisters....