Masefield, Sir Peter Gordon (1914–2006), aeronautical engineer, journalist, and industrialist, was born at Tolima, Albert Road, Trentham, Staffordshire, on 19 March 1914, the son of William Gordon Masefield (1885–1974), a doctor specializing in mental health, and his wife, Marian Ada (1885–1976), daughter of ...
Masefield, Sir Peter Gordon (1914–2006), aeronautical engineer, journalist, and industrialist
Norman Barfield
Masefield, Sir Peter Gordon (1914–2006)
Maker: J. Russell & Sons
Sir Peter Gordon Masefield (1914–2006) by J. Russell & Sons Royal Aeronautical Society (National Aerospace Library)
Mills, George (1808–1881), shipbuilder and newspaper proprietor
J. K. Laughton
revised by Michael S. Moss
Mills, George (1808–1881), shipbuilder and newspaper proprietor, was the son of William Mills, a Glasgow merchant and steamboat pioneer who served as lord provost of Glasgow in 1834–7. William Mills, who was engaged in the cotton trade, started a steamer service between the ...