Bertie, Richard (1517–1582), landowner and religious evangelical, was the eldest son of Thomas Bertie (d. 1555), of Bearsted, Kent, and his wife, a member of the Say family of Shropshire. In February 1534 he was admitted to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, aged sixteen. Having graduated BA in 1537, he became a probationary fellow of ...
Bertie, Richard (1517–1582), landowner and religious evangelical
Susan Wabuda
Carleton, George (1529–1590), landowner and puritan
Patrick Collinson
Carleton, George (1529–1590), landowner and puritan, was the second son of John Carleton of Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, and Brightwell Baldwin, Oxfordshire, and his wife, Joyce, daughter of John Welbeck of Oxenheath, Kent. His maternal grandmother was Margaret Culpepper, an aunt of Queen Katherine Howard...
Copley, Thomas (1532–1584), landowner and Roman Catholic exile
Michael A. R. Graves
Copley, Thomas (1532–1584), landowner and Roman Catholic exile, was born between February and May 1532, eldest son of Sir Roger Copley (d. 1549), landowner and member of the Mercers' Company, and his second wife, Elizabeth (d. 1559/60), daughter of Sir William Shelley...
Fothergill, Anthony (1685/6–1761), landowner and theological writer
Edwin Cannan
revised by Adam Jacob Levin
Fothergill, Anthony (1685/6–1761), landowner and theological writer, was baptized on 9 December 1686 at Ravenstone, Westmorland, the youngest son of Thomas Fothergill of Brownber, Ravenstonedale, farmer. Like his forefathers and descendants for many generations, he owned the estate of Brownber and lived and died there. Though he is said to have had no '...