Enthoven [née Romaine], (Augusta) Gabrielle Eden (1868–1950), theatre archivist and playwright, was born at 21 New Street, Spring Gardens, Westminster, London, on 12 January 1868, the daughter of William Govett Romaine (1815–1893), secretary to the Admiralty, and his wife, Frances Phoebe, née...
Enthoven [née Romaine], (Augusta) Gabrielle Eden (1868–1950), theatre archivist and playwright
Kate Dorney
Plowden, Anna Bridget (1938–1997), archaeological conservator and restorer
Jonathan Ashley-Smith
Plowden, Anna Bridget (1938–1997), archaeological conservator and restorer, was born on 18 June 1938 at 99 Cromwell Road, Kensington, the second of four children of Edwin Noel Auguste Plowden, Baron Plowden (1907–2001), and Bridget Horatia Plowden (née Richmond), Lady Plowden (1910–2000). Edwin Plowden...
Pretty [née Dempster], Edith May (1883–1942), landowner and benefactor
Pauline M. Sabin Moore
Pretty [née Dempster], Edith May (1883–1942), landowner and benefactor, was born on 1 August 1883 at Elland, near Halifax, Yorkshire, the second daughter of Robert Dempster (d. 1925), then a gas engineer employed in his father's company, and his wife, Elizabeth, ...