Ball, Sir Alexander John, baronet (1756–1809), naval officer and politician in Malta, was born on 22 July 1756 at Ebworth Park, Painswick, Gloucestershire, the son of Robert Ball (1714/15–1766), high sheriff of that county, and Mary, née Dickinson. He attended Market House School...
Ball, Sir Alexander John, baronet (1756–1809), naval officer and politician in Malta
Henry Frendo
Hassan, Sir Joshua Abraham (1915–1997), chief minister of Gibraltar
Jill Edwards
Hassan, Sir Joshua Abraham (1915–1997), chief minister of Gibraltar, was born in Gibraltar on 21 August 1915, the son of Abraham M. Hassan, a cloth merchant, from a distinguished merchant family of Moroccan Sephardi extraction that had first settled in Gibraltar in 1728. He was educated by the Christian brothers of ...
Irby, (Adeline) Paulina (1831–1911), traveller and Balkan sympathizer
Dorothy Anderson
Irby, (Adeline) Paulina (1831–1911), traveller and Balkan sympathizer, was the youngest daughter of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Frederick Paul Irby (1779–1844) of Long Stratton, Norfolk, and his second wife, Frances Wright (d. 1852), daughter of Ichabod Wright of Mapperley Hall, Nottinghamshire; she was the granddaughter of the ...
Lacaita, Sir James Philip (1813–1895), scholar and politician
H. R. Tedder
revised by H. C. G. Matthew
Lacaita, Sir James Philip (1813–1895), scholar and politician, the only son of Diego Lacaita of Manduria, in the province of Lecce, Italy, and of Agata Conti of Agnone in the Molise, was born at Manduria on 4 October 1813. He took a law degree at the ...
Law, John (bap. 1671, d. 1729), finance minister in France
Richard Bonney
Law, John (bap. 1671, d. 1729), finance minister in France, was born in Edinburgh and baptized on 21 April 1671. His father, William Law (d. 1683), a successful goldsmith and banker, acquired the estate of Lauriston, a few miles from Edinburgh. William...
Makarios III [real name Michael Mouskos] (1913–1977), Greek Orthodox archbishop and president of Cyprus
C. M. Woodhouse
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–1872), politician, thinker, and teacher
Denis Mack Smith
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–1872), politician, thinker, and teacher, was born in Genoa on 22 June 1805, but spent most of his adult life in England as an impoverished exile. His father, Giacomo, was professor of medicine at Genoa University and married Maria Drago; they also had three daughters. ...
Mintoff, Dominic [Dom] (1916–2012), prime minister of Malta
Henry Frendo
Mintoff, Dominic [Dom] (1916–2012), prime minister of Malta, was born in Cospicua, Malta, on 6 August 1916, the son of Lorenzo Mintoff and his wife, Concetta, née Farrugia. His father was from the island of Gozo but his mother was from Cospicua, an old bastion-fortified dockyard town on the ...
Paoli, (Filippo Antonio) Pasquale (1725–1807), politician in Corsica
Marie-Jeanne Colombani
Paoli, (Filippo Antonio) Pasquale (1725–1807), politician in Corsica, was born on 6 April 1725 in the hamlet of Stretta di Morosaglia in the pieve (canton) of Rostino, Corsica. He was the younger son of Giacinto Paoli and Dionisia Valentini, and had one brother, ...