Ælfgar, earl of Mercia (d. 1062
Ælfgar, earl of Mercia (d. 1062?), magnate
Ann Williams
Ælfhere (d. 983), magnate
Ann Williams
Ælfhere (d. 983), magnate, was the son of Ealhhelm, ealdorman of central Mercia (what is now Worcestershire and Gloucestershire) from 940 to 951. Ælfhere and his brothers are greeted as kinsmen by successive kings, though the degree of relationship is unknown. They were particularly close to ...
Ælfric (d. 1016), magnate
Ann Williams
Ælfric (d. 1016), magnate, must be distinguished from his contemporary Ælfric Cild [see under Ælfhere (d. 983)], who was ealdorman of Mercia from 983 to 985. In 982 he succeeded Ealdorman Æthelmær (977–82) in a command which included Hampshire (AS chart....
Æthelstan [Ethelstan, Æthelstan Half-King] (fl. 932–956), magnate
Cyril Hart
Æthelstan [Ethelstan, Æthelstan Half-King] (fl. 932–956), magnate, was the second of four sons of Ealdorman Æthelfrith, who ruled the southern and eastern territories of Mercia. Æthelfrith was descended from the West Saxon royal family and held extensive estates in Somerset and Devon. His wife, ...
Æthelweard [Ethelwerd] (d. 998?), chronicler and magnate
Patrick Wormald
Æthelweard [Ethelwerd] (d. 998
Æthelwine [Ethelwine, Æthelwine Dei Amicus] (d. 992), magnate and founder of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire
Cyril Hart
Æthelwine [Ethelwine, Æthelwine Dei Amicus] (d. 992), magnate and founder of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire, was the fourth and youngest son of Æthelstan, known as the Half-King (932–956), and his wife, Ælfwyn (d. 986). He was a few years older than the atheling ...
Aigle, Richer de l' (c. 1095–1176), baron
Kathleen Thompson
Aigle, Richer de l' (c. 1095–1176), baron, the eldest son of Gilbert de l'Aigle and Juliana, daughter of Geoffroi, count of Mortagne, was a member of a family with a tradition of service to the Norman dukes. His great-grandfather, Engenulf, had been killed at ...
Alan Rufus (d. 1093), magnate
K. S. B. Keats-Rohan
Alan Rufus (d. 1093), magnate, was the second of at least seven legitimate sons of Count Eudo, regent of Brittany from 1040 to 1047, and Orguen, or Agnes, his Angevin wife. Alan was called Rufus (‘the Red’) to distinguish him from a younger brother, ...
Alan, lord of Galloway (b. before 1199, d. 1234), magnate
Richard D. Oram
Alan, lord of Galloway (b. before 1199, d. 1234), magnate, was the eldest son of Roland, lord of Galloway (d. 1200), and Helen de Morville (d. 1217), sister and heir of William de Morville, lord of Lauderdale and Cunningham and royal constable. He had two brothers and two sisters, of whom ...
Argentine, Sir Giles d' (c. 1210–1282), baronial leader
H. W. Ridgeway
Argentine, Sir Giles d' (c. 1210–1282), baronial leader, of Great Wymondley, Hertfordshire, was the son of Sir Richard d'Argentine, a knight of the royal household and crusader of the 1230s, and came from a line of sheriffs of Hertfordshire, Essex, and Cambridgeshire. He was a knight by 1231, when he was captured by the Welsh near ...
Aubigné, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigné Brito] (d. in or after 1148), baron
K. S. B. Keats-Rohan
Aubigné, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigné Brito] (d. in or after 1148), baron, was a younger son of the Breton lord Main of St Aubin-d'Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine) and his Norman wife, Adelaide de Bohun. His name often appears as Aubigny...
Aubigné, William d' [William de Albini] (d. 1236), magnate
Nicholas Vincent
Aubigné, William d' [William de Albini] (d. 1236), magnate, was the eldest son and heir of William d'Aubigné (d. 1167/8), lord of Belvoir, and his wife, Matilda (or Maud) de Senlis, daughter of Robert de Clare and a close kinswoman of the ...
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini], third earl of Arundel (c. 1174–1221), magnate
Ralph V. Turner
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini], third earl of Arundel (c. 1174–1221), magnate, was the grandson of Adeliza of Louvain, second queen of Henry I, and her second husband, William d' Aubigny, the first earl (d. 1176). He was the son of William...
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigny Pincerna], first earl of Arundel (d. 1176), magnate
Graeme White
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigny Pincerna], first earl of Arundel (d. 1176), magnate, was the son of William d'Aubigny Pincerna (d. 1139), lord of Buckenham, Norfolk, and Maud (Matilda), daughter of Roger Bigod. The family took its name from ...
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigny Pincerna] (d. 1139), administrator and baron
J. F. A. Mason
Aubigny, William d' [William de Albini; known as William d'Aubigny Pincerna] (d. 1139), administrator and baron, was the eldest surviving son of Roger d'Aubigny and his wife, Amice (or Avice). Roger and his father William were benefactors of the Benedictine abbey of Lessay...
Audley, Henry (d. 1246), baron
R. F. Walker
Audley, Henry (d. 1246), baron, was the second son of Adam de Audley (d. 1203), son of Liulf de Audley [see under Audley family]. The Audleys, of Anglo-Saxon ancestry, took their name from their Staffordshire manor of Audley, or Heleigh (...