Demant, Vigo Auguste (1893–1983), theologian and social commentator, was born on 8 November 1893 in Newcastle upon Tyne, the eldest of three children and only son of Thorvald Conrad Frederick Demant, a professional linguist and translator, who started a language school in Newcastle...
Demant, Vigo Auguste (1893–1983), theologian and social commentator
Angela Cunningham
Fowle, Thomas Welbank (1835–1903), theologian and writer on social issues
W. B. Owen
revised by C. A. Creffield
Fowle, Thomas Welbank (1835–1903), theologian and writer on social issues, was born at Northallerton, Yorkshire, on 29 August 1835. He was the son of Thomas Fowle, solicitor, and of Mary Welbank, both of Northallerton. After education at Durham School (1848–53) and at Charterhouse...
McNabb, Joseph [name in religion Vincent McNabb] (1868–1943), theologian and social critic
Angela Cunningham
McNabb, Joseph [name in religion Vincent McNabb] (1868–1943), theologian and social critic, was born on 8 July 1868 at Portaferry, co. Down, Ireland, the tenth of the eleven children of James McNabb (1823–1911), a master mariner, and his wife, Ann Shields (1830–1901)...