Marchant, Nathaniel (1738/9–1816), gem-engraver and medallist, came from a family long-established in the village of Mayfield, Sussex. Details of his parentage and birth are obscure, although he was possibly the son of another Nathaniel Marchant (b. 1702), at one time an apprentice watchmaker. ...
Marchant, Nathaniel (1738/9–1816), gem-engraver and medallist
Gertrud Seidmann
Marchant, Nathaniel (1738/9–1816)
Maker: Hugh Douglas Hamilton
Nathaniel Marchant (1738/99–1816) attrib. Hugh Douglas Hamilton, c. 1779–88 by courtesy of the Trustees of Sir John Soane's Museum
Natter, Johann Lorenz (1705–1763), gem-engraver and medallist
Christopher Marsden
Natter, Johann Lorenz (1705–1763), gem-engraver and medallist, was born on 21 March 1705 at Biberach-an-der-Riss, Germany, the second son of Johann Ulrich Natter, a dyer (Garnsieder). He first trained alongside his elder brother, Johann Georg, as a jeweller in Biberach, but in 1724 he left the town for ...