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  • crimes against property x
  • Sex: Female x
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Bonny, Anne (1698–1782), pirate  

David Cordingly

Bonny, Anne (1698–1782), pirate, was born near Cork in Ireland. Evidence from her descendants suggests that she was the illegitimate daughter of William Cormac, lawyer, and his maidservant. Cormac, who raised his daughter as a boy, found his legal practice so affected by his affair that he decided to go abroad. Taking ...


O'Malley, Gráinne [Grace] (fl. 1577–1597), chieftain's wife and pirate  

Mary O'Dowd

O'Malley, Gráinne [Grace] (fl. 1577–1597), chieftain's wife and pirate, was the daughter of Owen Dubhdara O'Malley, chief, lord of Umhall Uachtarach or Upper Owle in the barony of Murrisk, co. Mayo, and his wife, Margaret, daughter of Conchobhar Óg Mac Conchobhair O'Malley of ...


Read, Mary (c. 1695–1721), pirate  

David Cordingly

Read, Mary (c. 1695–1721), pirate, was born in England, according to the account of her early life in Captain Charles Johnson's History of the … Pyrates. Her mother had married a sailor named Read and had a son, but the sailor disappeared, leaving her on her own. She had an affair and became pregnant again. To conceal her condition she left her husband's relatives and went to stay with friends in the country, where she gave birth to ...