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date: 10 February 2025

Fennell, Jameslocked


Fennell, Jameslocked

  • Joseph Knight
  • , revised by Nilanjana Banerji

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Harvard theatre collection, Harvard University, Nathan Marsh Pusey Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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W. D. Adams, A dictionary of the drama, 1: A–G (1904); 2: H–Z (1956) [vol. 2 microfilm only]
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L. A. Hall, Catalogue of dramatic portraits in the theatre collection of the Harvard College Library, 4 vols. (1930–34)
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Dictionary of American biography, 21 vols. (1928–37), repr. in 11 vols. (1964); 10 suppls. (1944–96)
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J. Venn & J. A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses : a biographical list of all known students, graduates, and holders of office at the University of Cambridge, from the earliest times to 1900, 2 pts in 10 vols. (1922–54); repr. in 2 vols. (1974–8)
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J. Genest, Some account of the English stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830, 10 vols. (1832); repr. (New York, [1965])