Dictionary of national biography, 63 vols.
suppl., 3 vols.
(1901); repr. in
22 vols.
(1908–9); 10 further suppls.
(1912–96); Missing persons
Foster, ed., Alumni Oxonienses
: the members of the University of Oxford, 1715–1886, 4 vols.
later edn
(1891); Alumni Oxonienses … 1500–1714, 4 vols.
(1891–2); 8 vol. repr.
(1968) and
National Library of Ireland, Dublin
G. D.
Burtchaell & T. U.
Sadleir, eds., Alumni Dublinenses
: a register of the students, graduates, and provosts of Trinity College
(1924); [2nd edn], with suppl., in 2 pts
Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, 2 vols.
(1691–2); 2nd edn
(1721); new edn, ed. P.
Bliss, 4 vols.
(1813–20); repr.
(1967) and