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Thorp, John Brown (1862–1939), architect and model-maker
The architect and model-maker John Brown Thorp exhibited models both of ancient and new buildings. His most notable models included the proposed Charing Cross bridge in London (1930) and Edwin Lutyens’s design for the Liverpool Roman Catholic cathedral (1934).
Ellison, Grace Mary (1880–1935), journalist and nurse

The journalist Grace Ellison established a career as a continental correspondent for British periodicals and newspapers in the early twentieth century. As a result of a visit to Turkey in 1908, following the Young Turk revolution, she wrote extensively on the position of women in the Ottoman empire.
This month’s update adds or revisits the lives of eleven women and men active from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries: benefactors Eleanor Holles and Anne Kennicott; traveller and playwright Elizabeth Craven and her son Keppel Craven; artist and biographer Prince Hoare; publisher Owen Rees; astronomer Mary Anne Fallows; architectural model makers Richard Day and John Brown Thorp; author Gertrude Mayer; journalist Grace Ellison; and medical writer Winifred de Kok.